Welcome! It is the Year 2022

16/04/2022 22:50

Inspiration 3

OK, I may have missed the start of 2022, and I am only getting around to posting something now (over the Easter weekend), but let me just say that December 2021 through to January 2022 were absolute hell. Family health crisis dominated my world and I took myself off from gaming and crafting to care for family members.
Good news is that everyone is back on their feet and I have been able to get back into some sort of gaming normality. Even better news is lockdown restrictions have now eased greatly and there is talk of meeting up with real people again!

The bad news is the Kings of War League was put on hold, mainly due to me not being available to play or co-ordinate anything. Although with lockdown restrictions easing and being able to meet up in groups, this will happen sometime later this year.

Much like I have stated before, inspiration comes in many forms and you can see what I have already posted for 2020, and for 2018. Due to the family health crisis, I didn't have much time on my hands, so I dived back into reading more on Royal Road, even starting some new stories, and of the rest of the time I played several match-3 or roleplaying format mobile games, mainly just to pass the time.


The great Seagoat - Over the past few years I have tried to consolidate my online presence to one or two handles. This was especially true during lockdown when online was about the only way you could interact with folks, and I was not very fond of having to remind people all the time I was the same person under a different handle on a different platform. With this in mind, I have settled on Seagoat777. It is an old handle from a wayback time, but I thought I would resurrect it and use it going forward. If you do come across me online, don't forget to say hi!

The guys from Delve Podcast have given themselves an overhaul and are now Total Pebble Knockdown. A little bit more of a focus than the ramble-a-thon that Delve Podcast used to be, and some really good topics for discussion from the gaming front. Why don't you join their Discord channel where you can experience my mind information dumps first hand.

Rookery Publications are new on the scene. Former writers, editors and artists from various Warhammer eras, they have banded together to form a new publication group intending to produce system agnostic material. So far their initial material has been top class. Mainly based on social media as of now if you are looking for them.

I have mentioned Mel the Terrain Tutor in the past and his YouTube channel, but another great go to is TheTerrainTutorsTerrainiacs Facebook group. Well worth joining if you are crafting at home. Some good crafting inspiration can be found in these pages.


Most of the rest of the inspiration is the same as before, from blogs to YouTube channels, and from discord servers and Facebook groups, to films and books. Inspiration is a funny thing, and a conversation or a sentence can spark something that will drive you to go out there and get gaming and crafting.